Time goes by and I am back in Norway, relaxing for a little bit, after my great trip to Unicon in Latvia!

This trip was really fun, it was such an honor to be invited to this event. I was also able to see some of my old friends like Shappi Workshop and Zel COShorse!
My good friend, Renato, was also invited down to Unicon to talk about eSport, which was quite interesting! Always lovely travelling with friends.
I also managed to make quite a few friends during the event, some being my CO-judges Inge, aka Dulcinea Coslay from Lithuania and Marija (Aka Imay Lee Cosplay) from Latvia! <3
We arrived a day early before the convention, so we got to visit and spend some time together with the judges, which was tons of fun! Again thank you Marija for your hospitality!

Day 1 of the event:

We arrived early to the event to start pre-judging. From what I heard, we had over 100 who entered multible categories! Which was super exciting, but of course we spent quite some time on pre-judging as well. :’D
They had categories like Dance, Group, Duo, Solo and EuroCosplay Qualifiers. I really enjoyed that Original Characters could also enter, but it is also a little harder to pre-judge if they don’t have some concept art of some sort, but it was really very interesting seeing their designs! Thumbs up for you guys!
After a few hours of pre-judging 2 parts out of 4, we got to see some amazing performances. It was truly a pleasure sitting there watching all of your amazing cosplays. You guys were so passionate and so talented! The same goes for the 3rd and 4th groups of contestants!
After the performance we had some time to spare, so I decided that I was going to set up my print stand, where I could get to chat with you guys, which was very lovely – I love chatting with people during the event, hearing all about the community in other countries, so cozy and fun! <3
Later that day I went to Renato’s panel to listen to all he’d put togethe; it was very interesting, you can tell that he is truly passionate about what he does! After his panel we decided to just hang around and relax at our hotel room. We were pretty exhausted after a loooong day. :’D

Day 2 of the event:

This day started out the same as yesterday, pre-judging the 3rd and 4th groups of contestants, and then seeing their wonderful performances on stage! <3
However, after the performances I was going to hold my panels. Which I was actually feeling pretty nervous about, because I’d made a new panel that I had never ever held before. (Smooth Armor tutorial followed up by Basic Latex Casting tutorial).
There was no practical demonstration during this panel since we didn’t have time to do a cast, so I just held my panel, explaining my experiences. I did bring my Sheshe fins, cast and mold so you guys could feel the texture. Same with Leona’s bracer, so you could feel the smoothness. It seemed like those who attended the panel were interested in the topics, and that you learned something new, which made me very happy! I love teaching people new things and helping out! So I was pretty pleased with how my panel turned out, thanks once again for the ones who showed up! <3
After my panel went back to my booth to chat a bit more with the people attending Unicon, lovely as usual~

After the 4th part of the performance it was time to deliberate. This was super hard, we sat there for quite a while discussing what all of us truly liked. In the end, we came down to an agreement.
The award cermony is always so rewarding. It’s just so great seeing the faces of the winners, that when the winners get emotional, I do too! I’m such a cry-baby! :’D

Congrats once again to all the contestants who won awards. A big shoutout to Unicon and Sergej for making this happen. It was a wonderful experience and I hope I can be able to return to Latvia and Unicon sometime in the future!

11816001_10153468027560149_1762403978_n Dulcinea Coslay <3
11798386_10153468015650149_1714098165_nDERP, with Shappi Workshop!11828554_984557598261925_745695003238500951_n Photo by Rhainė Photography
11838634_984557534928598_8224959523450428308_oThe Awesome photographer Rhainė !

11782270_984560584928293_2337192056430124743_oDouble Caitlyn all the way! Photo by Rhainė Photography11850576_984560491594969_1678843896060090252_o Photo by Rhainė Photography
11836844_984557691595249_9012173439413679353_n Photo by Rhainė Photography
11707959_984560664928285_4363596367512235600_o Photo by Rhainė Photography

11144446_984562078261477_1241867141662883032_oPhoto by Rhainė Photography
11754503_984563648261320_3036260796855542877_oPhoto by Rhainė Photography
11728705_984563231594695_7051986459446930586_oPhoto by Rhainė Photography
11141354_984563948261290_1577766905638778634_oPhoto by Rhainė Photography
11796291_984563971594621_1628061892553856866_nPhoto by Rhainė Photography

11796355_939208882803430_4477040045405632266_nThe judges!
11846268_685994761531508_850707574_nZel COShorse! <3

IMG_20150802_144153Poooosters! You can buy them HERE!

IMG_20150802_133241PANEL! <3
11838571_984565358261149_545092968335159528_oAward-cermony! Photo by Rhainė Photography

You can find more awesome pictures from Unicon Latvia by Rhaine Photography HERE!

